Roofing Installation Portland

Roofing Installation

Roofing Installation Portland

Roofing installation in Portland can be tough. With the constant threat of rain, and moss a consistent problem, it can be outright dangerous. Even though you need a new roof, you may put it off over and over again. Well, wait no more. Master Builders Inc has been performing roofing installation Portland, OR since 2005. Our team of expert craftsmen are highly skilled and adept at performing roofing installation professionally, quickly, and safely. With experience comes ability, and we have the ability to install whatever type of roofing you may need. There are a number of reasons to get a new roof, and we’re just the builders for the job.

Professional Roofing Installation

Roofing Installation Portland OR

  • Personal Safety – We are experts at what we do. Even the most spry individual can run into trouble when trying to perform roofing installation on their own, and there is no need to take that risk. With us on the job you can sit back and relax. We have decades of collective experience, so no matter what style of roof you have or what kind of roofing installation materials you’ve chosen, we’ll provide you with masterful work.
  • Home Value – In addition to providing you with concrete numbers before we perform any work, your new roof is going to add real financial value to your property. It’s been shown that a new roof can provide a return on investment of up to 70%. After you factor in the damage that an old roof can cause to your property, there’s no reason not to get new roofing installation Portland as soon as possible.
  • Current Damage – Your old roof could be costing you money right now. Weather, moss, and other factors can all cause damage to your roofing. Glue and pitch are degraded and eventually the water protecting abilities of your roof wear away entirely. When this happens you can suffer leaks and structural damage you not even realize is occurring. Once water has gotten into the walls of your home it can weaken support beams as well as causing black mold to grow. All this can be prevented with us and roofing installation Portland. It almost always saves you money to be pro-active, so don’t wait.
  • Savings – You can actually save money on energy cost after a new roofing installation. A new roof can provide up to a 10% increase in energy efficiency, which is especially important in a climate as wet and cold as Portland, OR. In addition to that, you may also be eligible for a home insurance price reduction. Many insurers offer a discount after a new roofing installation, and some even penalize you with a surcharge as high as 20% if your roof is too old.

There’s so much to gain from roofing installation Portland. Contact Master Builders Inc or call today (503) 342-2478, and find out what a master builder can do for you. Our Portland Location